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The present Regulation is based on the international ethical principles of scientific publishing approved by International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (STM) and the Code of Conduct by Committee on Publication Ethics.


1. The Editorial Board of the Collection "Pomiculture and small fruits culture in Russia" is accountable for the materials published in the journal and executes control over compliance with the publication ethics.


2. The Editorial Board does not accept for consideration the articles which: a) are devoted to subjects outside the remit of the journal; b) have been previously published; c) fail to meet the requirements set by the editorial board; d) contain plagiarism; e) contain advertising materials.


3. The decision as to acceptation or rejection of an article is made on the basis of the peer-reviewer’s informed judgment in which relevance, scientific novelty and accuracy of the provided data are assessed, as well as the appropriateness of the used scientific methods, validity and integrity of the conclusions, correctness of representation of the conventionally required article sections such as abstract, keywords and list of reference.


4. The editorial decision as to acceptation or rejection of an article should not be influenced by race, gender, age, nationality, citizenship, social status, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or political views of the authour(s).


5. The members of the Editorial Board and the reviewers must maintain confidentiality when considering submitted materials. The materials are not to be given to any third parties or discussed with them.


6. The unpublished data from the submitted materials are not to be used by the reviewers or editors for personal advantage or given to third parties without the authour’s (authours) express written consent.


7. If an error is discovered in the data or in the conclusions of the submitted work, it is an obligation of the editors to take all the measures necessary for ensuring the soonest publication of a retraction, corrections, expression of concern or another message depending on the situation.


8. On receiving complaints concerning published or submitted article, and also upon discovery of a conflict of interests, the editorial board will take all necessary measures for redressing of the infringed rights.
9. The editorial board of the journal "Horticulture and viticulture" receives non-exclusive rights to use the published articles.



1. Before submitting an article, the authors must make sure that it complies with the journal’s requirements which can be found on the journal web-site.


2. The authors must present only original, accurate, and scientifically relevant results in their works. The data obtained in the course of the research are to be adequately represented in the article. The amount of details in the description of the research is to be sufficient for other researchers to repeat the experiment.


3. Only previously unpublished articles are accepted for review. Concurrent submission of the material to several different journals is inadmissible and is considered unethical.


4. Plagiarism in any form is inadmissible.


5. The authors must furnish any use of fragments or ideas from other works with references to the source materials. Proper references should be made to the works which served as the basis for the development of author’s own ideas and research work.


6. All the persons who have made a considerable contribution to the work must be acknowledged as co-authors while listing the persons who have not participated in the research work as co-authors is inadmissible.


7. If the authors detect an error in the already published work, they are obliged to contact the Editorial Board as soon as possible in order to introduce corrections or publish a retraction.



 1. All the manuscripts submitted to the journal undergo peer-reviewing by the Editorial Board members and by the leading scientists (having sufficient expertise in the subject) of All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Breeding, Agrotechnology and Nursery.


2. If the reviewer finds the suggested material to be beyond his expertise or if there are conflicting interests with the authour(s), the reviewer is obliged to inform the editor and withdraw from the reviewing process.


3. The reviewer must be fair and unbiased in assessing an article, and corroborate his judgments with arguments. Only the scientific content of the article is to be taken into account during the reviewing. The reviewer must refrain from personal attacks on the authour(s).



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